Professional holistic treatments to help fight dog cancer

News Flash !

New K9 Immunity Products

Check out the latest K9 Immunity Plus products - K9 Immunity Plus™ which may assist dogs facing serious health challenges. An easy to give combination of K9 Immunity™, Transfer Factor and Omega 3 all of which have been used with thousands of dogs throughout the world. Available NOW !

New Product "Everpup"

"Everpup", the latest supplement from Dr Dressler, the maker of "Apocaps", Everpup has been developed to assist in helping to keep healthy dogs healthy - its aim is to help support a healthy immune system and digestive system. Available NOW !

Dog Tales

Check out  in Dog Tales some of the Faces of Dogs who are enjoying their lives, despite their battle with cancer. Some have been with us over two years, some have just joined us.

The Dressler Book

No matter what you’ve heard, there are always steps you can take to help your dog fight cancer. This comprehensive guide is your complete reference for practical, evidence based strategies that can optimize the life quality and longevity for your dog. No matter what diagnosis or stage of cancer your dog has, this book is packed with precious advice that can help now. Call us to order now.
As recommended by Dr Dressler . His latest supplement for the  health support of dogs.

Pet-Screen : Dedicated to Fighting Dog Cancer and Cat Cancer

K9 Health Support are very pleased to announce that the new UK based Pet-Screen Lymphoma screening test and DCA testing is available through us. This advanced service is now available in Australia. Please review the material on our website and contact us (or ask your Veterinary Practice to contact us) for test kits and further information.

1 in 4 dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime and lymphoma is one of the most common cancers in dogs. To help in the fight against this terrible disease, PetScreen has developed the first ever cancer screen for canine lymphoma.

The big problem with cancer in dogs is that it usually goes unnoticed until it is too late. When dog cancer is discovered early, the chances of successful treatment are much greater. Routine screening can improve cancer care by helping pick up tumours that might otherwise be missed.

PetScreen is a pioneering company dedicated to improving cancer detection and treatment in pets. They have developed the first ever screen for lymphoma cancer in dogs and we are now working on additional dog cancer screens for the other major canine cancer killers. Additionally, they are working on the development of screening tests for the major cat cancers.

Detecting Dog Cancer

Our doctors encourage us to keep an eye on ourselves for signs of cancer. Screening for breast and cervical cancer in women and prostate cancer in men is now routine. In the same way, it is wise to keep a close eye on your pet for signs of cancer such as lymphoma.

Currently PetScreen is able to provide the most advanced screening test for canine lymphoma. Additionally, we are working on new screens for other major dog cancers and these will become available shortly. If you are interested in receiving information about these new screens as they become available, please complete the Pet Owner Registration Form and they will keep you up to date with their latest developments.

Why Screen?

One of the big problems with cancer is that it often develops slowly and so goes unnoticed for a long time. Since our pets can’t tell us when they are ill, cancer is often discovered late, limiting the type of treatment that can be given. When cancer is discovered early, the chances for successful treatment are much greater.

Routine screening can improve cancer care by helping to pick up tumours that might otherwise go unnoticed until it is too late.

Screening is particularly helpful for those breeds which show a high risk of cancer and for individual dogs whose parent or sibling has suffered from the disease.

Keeping a close eye on your pet’s health is the best way to avoid problems. Most vets now recommend annual health checks and the lymphoma screen can be included with these tests. In those instances of higher risk, it would be advisable to have the test performed every six months.

The Test

A small amount of blood is taken by your vet or vet nurse. This is then sent to Petscreen. About two weeks later, your vet will get the result and contact you.

The Results – What Next?

In most cases the result will be negative, giving you peace of mind. If a positive result does occur, your vet will be in a better position to complete a thorough investigation. Should this confirm lymphoma, your vet will decide on the most appropriate treatment to give your dog the best chance of recovery. PetScreen is able to help your vet to find the most effective treatment using a unique Treatment Optimisation Test called DCA.

Reference Papers and Press Releases

Article in the UK Veterinary Times

The Future of Biomarkers and Personalised Medicine in Companion Animal Practice

For Veterinary Practices - Cancer Screening and Directed Chemotherapy - Putting your Practice at the Forefront of Cancer Care